
And as we start each day we ask:

Guide me in Thy path of Truth and Light,

help me to extend myself to those in need,

to strengthen my weaknesses

and to learn the power of Love.

Thank you Rick for all your love and support through the years.  Because of your commitment to our life it has allowed me to trust someone and that someone is you . . . helping me traverse so many challenging obstacles and overcome them a winner.  Again, thank you for helping me become who I AM!!!

  • You exemplify the meaning of service.
  • You’re a pillar of truth, honesty and integrity.
  • Your steadfastness has given me a platform and foundation for stability. . . . . an unbelievable blessing.
  • You’re a mentor for my soul.
  • I consider it a privilege and honor to serve you as my husband and soulmate.

You’re a gift to my heart and once again Rick, I love you and thank you.


Dear Shirl,

Thank you for all the wonderful years married to you, too.  I have learned much that would have passed me by, I have received insights and spiritual growth that would not have been otherwise possible.  I am grateful we have chosen to spend our lives together and in service to each other – we have shared and helped each other beyond measure.

I love you!  Rick